Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Take it easy, take it easy, don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy ......

It's been a time of pain for me. Right when I feel motivated to start working on my weight and want to start walking more, I can barely make it to the car before the pain sets in. I haven't been able to weed my flower garden yet, so right now it's filled with bright yellow flowers ... dandelions! My daughter has started sleeping in her new apartment, so I want to start getting the house cleaned up after 2 years of being over crowded, but I'm having trouble even sitting on the floor to clean. I'm so frustrated!

Still, I have to sit here, so I'm wondering, what am I supposed to be learning right now? I have to consciously direct my thoughts. I have a tendency to sit here and berate myself. I "should" get cleaning, I "should" get the yard looking good, I "should" _____________. This kind of thinking just drags me down. I'm trying to do things that will give me a feeling of accomplishment. I have lessons I need to work on, and I have what I need for the first one, perhaps I need to get to work on that. It just happens to be on the chakras. I have spent some time knitting, I've meditated a bit, and I've been surfing the web, looking for interesting information on things I'm interested in.

All in all, I need to be easy on myself right now. There's not much I can do about my herniated disc, and I need to take care of the bulging ones so they don't herniate, as well. I need to just take care of myself. Maybe that is the message I need to learn.

If there's anyone out there, I sure would appreciate a comment or two. Sitting here all day can get a bit isolating.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to the feeling of "I should do this and that" and then not getting it done. I meant to vacuum the floors after my cat moved out of the house, but I STILL haven't gotten around to it (a month later!). I somehow manage to keep my house clutter-free, so that it looks neat at first glance, but the actual cleaning doesn't usually get done. And I don't even have a herniated disk to prevent me (although my back will hurt pretty badly if I work on anything physical for too long. I have rods in my back from a scoliosis correction). At any rate, I feel like I should be doing much more, but I'd rather sit here and write comments on your page, lol. Best wishes to you. Goddess bless you, and thanks for linking to my website. )O(
