Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

What is it about this one day in particular that made our society decide THIS is the moment a new year starts? It could have been June 13th or October 9th and everything would be the same. Some people consider the start of the new year to be whenever school starts in their area. Others consider their birthday or some other anniversary to be the beginning of the year. I learned a little while ago that I could start over any time I wanted or needed to. Start a project and not keep up with my predetermined schedule? I can start over, maybe rework my self-imposed deadlines to be more realistic, and find success! Decide that I'm going to start behaving a certain way (quit smoking, start a diet, begin exercising)? I can begin any time I need to. So I'd like to suggest freedom from the tyranny of the calendar for all. Start any self-improvement situation over when ever you need. Start over any time you need. Take the pressure off yourself, forget New Year's Resolutions. Be Free.

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