Back in June or July, one of the Elders of my Trad gave a lesson on the power of positivity. It's a concept that has always interested me, and it has a long line of people that promote this idea. All the way back to Norman Vincent Peale this idea has been tossed around.
So I went, and I listened, and I heard. She really struck a chord in me. Things clicked. It isn't about being all Pollyanna, it's about focusing your thoughts on the best outcomes. It's about that old joke of the kid digging through all the horse manure because he positive there has to be a pony in there somewhere.
It's about the flow of energy. If you focus your energy on positive things, things that will benefit your life, then you are sending out positive energies. Nature abhors a vacuum, so positive things come back to fill in what you sent out.
My husband had an interview several weeks ago for a local company. I told him I thought that he would get a job with them. I knew in my bones, that the right job was out there, we just needed to find it. I knew it would be one where he wouldn't feel obligated to put in extra hours, a job he would enjoy. He didn't get the job. I still felt certain he would have a job with that company. Two weeks later he saw another job posted for that company and he applied. The next morning one of the people who interviewed him the first time sent him an email saying that they were going to suggest he apply, only to find out he already had.
A week and a half ago, he got the call, he has a job! Doing something he enjoys, and he is an hourly employee. Anything over 37.5 hours a week is overtime. It's a bit of a pay cut, but not so bad that it's really going to affect us much. He starts tomorrow. We went to a car auction on Saturday with the intention that we would find a dependable car at a good price. We got a 2004 Passat for $1700, and it looks great.
I'm looking forward to all the good things that will be coming into my life. Only 5 more weeks till my great grandson arrives. I can't wait to meet him. I know that my kidlette is going to be an amazing mom.
Give it a go, start expecting good things instead of waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's life changing.
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