Wow. That about covers everything.
Since my last post, my father had a blockage removed surgically from his femoral artery in his groin, my husband had another (#6) stent put into his heart, I found out my husband had been having an online affair with an old girlfriend for 4 years, my kidlette and I moved out and too the dog, my husband started therapy and begged my forgiveness and we moved back in, my father's patch on his femoral artery failed and he almost bled to death at home, when they repaired the patch on his femoral artery, they found that he has a MRSA infection internally at the surgical site, my mother went from ok vision to severe cataracts in 3 months, my kidlette had a kidney stone that she couldn't pass and she had to have surgery, my youngest daughter is dealing with her ex threatening to move out of state with her son, and my back is getting worse and worse all the time.
Did I ever mention I don't watch soap operas? LOL They just seam boring in comparison to my everyday life. I am so grateful I know how to ground and center myself. Since I am the only one of my generation in the area, everything is falling on my shoulders. Dealing with the issues with my husband has also been excruciating, we are going through therapy, and I have made it abundantly clear that I will not tolerate any form of infidelity ever, but all that is topic for another day.
Meanwhile, life goes on and on and on, even with all the trauma, chaos and confusion, I still have to do the laundry, pay the bills, luv my puppy, cook the meals, do the shopping, and try to do a little house work as well. Trying to find the balance, trying to hold the joy and wonder of life, learning new crafts. I've learned to do the Byzantine weave chain maille,
I'm learning to spin yarn using a drop spindle, and I'm learning to make glass beads using the Lamp Working technique.
Well, not sure how to end this post. I needed to vent, let myself know that I'm still here, brag a bit about my new knowledge, and just say hi.
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