One of my favorite groups of this type is called BzzAgent. I've been a member of this group for close to 10 years. They run promotions from various companies and I get to form my opinion and share it with other people. Some of the projects I receive samples to pass out, sometimes I receive coupons to share, sometimes it's a free trial to a service for myself, sometimes it's just information for me to pass on. I've really enjoyed being a part of this program, I've enjoyed most of the products I've been able to try out, and many of them have become part of my every day.
The newest campaign I've joined is called About Me. It's a place to centralize your social networking to one page. I'm just now checking it out, so I'll post more about it later, if I like it, how useful I find it, all that.
If any readers want to join About Me, you can receive a free pack of business cards from MOO. I'd love to hear your experiences with this site if you join.