A friend uses a site called Wordle (www.wordle.com) It's fun! Type in poems, random words, groups of something or whatever, and the site will turn it into a word sculpture. Great way to spend some free time playing. I made one of my grandkids' names
Got the veggies planted this morning, 6 each of tomatoes, green and jalapeno peppers, broccoli and 2 bush cucumbers. Now just have to keep them alive until the harvest. Amazing to me, though, how much just planting took out of me. Just 5 years ago when we first planted a garden here, I did it all by my self, except the rototilling. This year my daughter dug the holes and all I had to do was plop the seedlings in and push the dirt around them. By the time we were done, I could barely walk back into the house. I sure hate not being able to do everything I used to.